Sunday, April 19, 2015

What will money transactions look like in 20 years?

Why digital banking is the future?

How is banking different than it was when your parents were in high school 30 years ago?

How will banking be different when your children are in high school?


  1. By the time i have kids it will all be electronic and simple.

  2. banking is more electronic and safer, and banking in the future may be almost all electronic and cannot be counterfitted

  3. My children will probably be paying alot of there stuff with there phones, watches, or just credit. Cash may be history.

  4. I think banking will be completely electronic by that time.

  5. It will most likely be electronic. Bills and coins may not be used

  6. It will be all electronic. No bills or coins.

  7. I think it will change a lot and i doubt that many people will use banks as much as a they do now unless they have big money to deposit or withdraw. It will mainly be electronic i think

  8. When my children are in high school banking will be 79% online. Everything will be direct deposit, and the use of cash and checks will be very limited.

  9. It will be all electronic and they wont know what a bank is.

  10. I feel like mostly everything will be electronic, or just plastic like cards. It would actually save money not having to make the paper bills.

  11. WW3 will happen and nuclear fallout will destroy civilization causing the economy to be set back hundreds of years. barter system

  12. Banking will be electronic, but everyone must remember how many problems happen with technology.

  13. Checks will be direct deposit, eliminating paper checks. ATM machines will have more features, allowing the user to do more without talking to a teller. Banks will still have tellers, but they will only be limited to fraud cases, and other advanced cases. all of transactions will probably be done electronically through phones, computers, or tablets

  14. Almost all banking will be computerized. Most money will be obsolete and computerized.

  15. All of banking will be electronic and no one will be able to write checks or count back change.

  16. Everything will be done electronically, cash will be limited and checks will disappear.

  17. I believe hard cash will always be around for reasons such as strip clubs, the Amish, old-fashioned people and whatnot, but digital banking will be almost entirely dominant due to ease and low expense.

  18. I think that cash will remain as a form of payment but I also think that when my children are in highschool, it will be primarily from cellular devices. Already, Mcdonalds is offering payment from "Ipay" that allows the customer to pay from their Iphone. There is also an app for android users to pay with.

  19. I think that actual paper or coin money won't be really worth much pretty soon. Banking is mostly the same from when my parents where in high school except we have more mobile banking. When my children are in high school I think banking will be no longer cash payment and that it will all be on the computer or phone and I think it is kind of unsafe because there is more likely a chance of theft. -Emma Tanner
