Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Who's Paying for that Wall?

Did this trip help Trump's Campaign?

Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
This article includes information from their joint press conference.

Mexico: Not Us
This story includes Clinton campaign response to Trump visit to Mexico.

Chicago Tribune Story

Fox News

Mexico, Arizona, and Immigration Policy


  1. Tannah, I think that trump needs to pick what way he wants to do things because he is confusing his followers by going back on his word over and over again. I think that he should deport the people that are illegal and not trying to become a citizen.

  2. I think it's weird that Donald Trump said that they didn't talk about who would pay for the wall but they actually did. Mexico said that they wouldn't pay for it at the beginning of the meeting.

  3. Ashley, I think that a lot of the things that trump says are correct. I think that the immigration needs to stop, so building the wall would help a lot. And maybe if the United States and Mexico can not agree on who is going to pay for the wall, then they could each pay half.

  4. Johnathan Ernst:
    I think that Trump has a good idea by building a wall, but the Mexico president doesn't support it as much as Trump does. I think this could lead to issues when it comes to trade and legally going from the US to Mexico. Also, I think that Trump is coming off wrong to a lot of people, as most people think that Trump doesn't like Mexicans.

  5. i don't like how how he is now changing his immigration from all illegals to just criminal illegals. and how he thinks he is just going to force mexico to build the wall with no questions asked.

  6. Felicia. I think that he is very different in his speeches depending on where he is at. He puts different effects depending on where he is speaking at. He tries to be more professional depending on where he is at so I think he should try to be more professional all the way around.

  7. I think Trump was trying to make peace with Enrique and also trying to make himself look better. He also lied about not talking about who would fund the wall for whatever reason. Trump also changes his type of speech depending where he is which is both smart and stupid because it makes him sound like he does not have a set plan but it does appeal to the people he is reaching out to.

  8. I read the article about his trip to Mexico. It talked about some of the major things he said and how the country reacted to the things he said. It was interesting because I thought that he was more respectful when I watched him give the speech but when I read it, it was completely different. I also watched a video that talked about donald trumps hair being surgically enhanced. It said that he has an operation that moved the hair from the side of his head to the top then graphed it to make it look more full.

  9. I think Trump has the right idea about illegal immigration and stopping it but I think he screwed himself over by going after mexico right at the beginning of the election. Now he has to try and get people to like him in a place where he is hated.

  10. I thought it was weird that Trump said that they didn't talk about who was paying for the wall, but they really did talk about who was going to pay for the wall. The president of Mexico and trump did talk about who was going to pay for the wall because the president of Mexico said that before the conference he said he wasn't paying for the wall.

  11. I think Trump has really been contradicting himself lately especially with his comments on immigration. I don't blame him for being all buddy buddy with Mexico's president because he is very hated by the Mexican population so it's probably best for him not to be bashing the Mexican people while he is in their country.
    -Ryker Connell

  12. I feel that Trump's policy on immigration can come off as fairly harsh or reckless, whatever you want to say. But I feel he has good intentions in what is best for our country and United States citizens. When he goes and speaks at different locations, he will change what he says, whether it be a slight or major change, and he will do this to make a connection with the people in the crowd to let them know that he sees things the way they do and he would like to do the right thing for them.

  13. I think Trumps immigration policy is a little intense on trying to force mexico to pay for the wall. His ideas on immigration are starting to shift towards a less intense side. I think the wall is too extreme and we can handle immigration differently.

  14. I think Trump tries so hard to please everyone that he doesn't say the same things everywhere. I don't understand how you can trust someone that says so many different things about important situations.

  15. I believe some of Trump's critics would say it's an act of desperation meeting with Mexico. I think it will still help him overall come election time. I am interested if they negotiated about building the wall and since he claims they didn't discuss payment for the wall. I would've thought that would have been one of the main focuses.

  16. I think Trump has an idea about what he wants to do, but I think he's in over his head. I don't think it will happen because there's already conflict about who is paying for it. I personally think this idea is a hunk of junk. -Alexa

  17. I think that Trump tries to please his followers than stay with his own words. A statement that jumped out at me was, "We're like the big bully that keeps getting beaten up." I felt like that was a strange statement to make.

  18. In the beginning Trump was all about Mexico paying for the wall but in his speech he talked like he was willing to work with Mexico on the wall. I think that building a wall is impractical.

  19. I think Trump has contradicted himself to many times which seems to me like he says anything on his mind and then realizes that he screwed up and says something to contradict it

  20. I read about the Trump and Mexico president conference, it was more along the lines of Trump expressing his ideas in the construction of the wall and how America is a dumping ground for the "bad people" of Mexico. I believe Trump was wrong to automatically assume that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. And consider that all Mexicans are automatically "Bad". Because of this, Trump is no longer accepted into Mexico on behalf of the Mexico President.

  21. I don't know what trump is saying when he is saying that mexico will pay for the wall even without asking them or talking to them and he said that they did not talk about who was paying for the wall even tho mexico said that they would not be paying for the wall at the beginning of the meeting that they had.

  22. I have a strong feeling that all this talk about building a wall and that illegal immigrants are bad is going to come back and bite Trump in the rear end. I think he is going to have a real tough time getting very much of the Mexican and minority vote. Going to mexico isn't going to help much.

  23. I feel like trump comes off very hard and bad about building a wall but in all reality he only means that he wants to keep the drug dealers and any other bad illegals out of america. No other country would like it if they came in their country and he doesnt want it either. He defiantly can come a little less harsh about it.

  24. I feel like trump has a good idea about illegal immigrants but his was of solving these are not the best. Building a huge wall is very impractical and it would end out being a lot of money. Keeping the wall monitored would be very expensive. I found it weird that Donald Trump said he didn't discuss how the wall will be paid for but the President of Mexico said he was not going to pay for it to Donald Trump.

  25. Cole Sowers:

    Hey, I think that Trump has good intentions in building the wall, but the whole premise comes off as clouded as more people see it as some racist agenda on Trump's part, but I honestly think this isn't the case and he recieves tons of flack for it. I do find it quite shady that he wouldn't disclose the fact he did discuss who is paying for the wall, but I suppose only time can tell. The Mexican President doesn't seem as passionate as Trump, on the idea of dishing out tons of money for building some large wall on our Southern border. I don't think Trump was in the right in automatically assuming that Mexico should pay the full 100% for this wall which in all reality is mostly positive for United States and keeping the criminals out.

  26. Trump seems to have had a descent amount of back and forth talk with the Mexican President. By seeing him not only change views and respond to the Mexician president but continue and go further with the message. and i can see if NAFTA is something causing issues between the two nations then revisiting it should be a priority, even if nothing is changed as so all parties can see what is laid out before them.

  27. I think its all a lie and that Trump will not keep his word when he is president that he will do what he tells us he will do!!! by Dakota Randall

  28. I think that the wall is a good idea for several reasons like to keep the drugs cartels out and and for the illegal immigrant women who come in and get raped. I feel that the wall is a good idea for several reasons and if mexico is going to help pay for it I think we should build it because its a very good idea, even if Trump keeps contradicting himself in many of his speeches I believe he has the right idea. I do think the trip helped him a little bit so he can actually talk to the president of mexico. -Nick Ennen

  29. I am not sure of why Trump believes he can force the people of Mexico to pay for the wall. It only benefits to the US in some way but it is completely outrageous how he promised America that they WILL pay for the wall. It's not shocking that Trump is no longer allowed back to Mexico. The whole thing overall is pointless and I hope this situation does not lead to a war.

  30. ryan, i believe that trump is making promises that he cannot make. I dont believe that he will be able to get the mexicans to pay for the wall and im sure he knows it too. He has always seemed to make promises he cannot keep. It would be great for him to stop immigration but with his ideas i doubt he will be able to.

  31. I do think Donald Trump has good intentions, but he comes off way too strong. He openly insults the entire Mexican race. Not only this but he says that he will deport of two million Mexican criminals and then says that he will make Mexico build his wall. The wall, by the way, will cost billions. I think he needs to take on the situation a bit more tactfully and not come off as some crazy billionaire racist.

  32. This is terrible. I can't believe that the Mexican president would let Trump step foot in Mexico. Especially after what he said about Mexicans and how most of them are rapist and drug dealers and such nonsense. illegal immigrants come to this country because mexico is such a bad place. Its so dangerous and full of drug cartels. Yes, there are some Mexican immigrants that are bad. But its not all. There are a lot of hard working Mexicans that literally work so hard that don't really care how much money they get as long its enough so they can get food and supplies. But the fact that Trump said in one of his rallies speeches that a lot of Mexican are rapist and criminals is just wrong.

  33. Jose, I think Trump has the right idea about illegal immigration and stopping it but I think he miss up by going after mexico right at the beginning of the election.

  34. I thinks that Trump is way over his head. When Trump went to Arizona, he make a major speech about build a wall in the southern boarder and say that if they touch the wall, they will have to pay for it. To me that I think is not fair for immigrants to pay for the wall. Trump can't accepted into Mexico by the Mexico President on what he said about the wall.

  35. Olivia Jenkins:
    While reading one of the articles I found it kind of amusing that Trump did a complete 360 of an attitude, one minute he is professional even somewhat courteous, but the next he is completely bashing Mexico and the immigrants that come to this country. Honestly Trump has only done one good thing and that was going to Mexico to talk.

  36. Gabe moya:
    Since the beginning of Trump's campaign he has been saying that he will build a wall and make mexico pay for it. At the beginning of the meeting Mexicos president Enrique Nieto stated that Mexico will not be paying for the wall, which later Trump said they had not talked about who was paying for the wall. I think Trump is always saying things and then changing his mind when he realizes its not going to work the way he wants it too.

  37. I believe that Mr.Trump's campaign has always been surrounded by negativity and the obvious differences between his statements and the President of Mexico's hasn't helped his credibility. When Trump makes statements like these the people tend to become very skeptical about his plans for running the nation. In his campaign, if it was full of untruths, it could cause a very heavy downfall of voter support not helping his campaign at all especially with his constantly changing views.

  38. I find it hilarious that Trump said that they didn't discuss about the payment of the wall, but at the same time the president of Mexico said that Mexico wouldn't pay the wall. In my opinion if Trump wants a wall so badly he can pay it himself instead of trying to force Mexico to pay it. First you have Trump bashing on all the Mexicans and then he goes to Mexico and becomes an innocent person. In my opinion the only good thing that Trump has done in his life has been going to Mexico and talking with the president.

  39. Georgia
    I think that Donald Trump is asking for too much by persuading the president of Mexico to pay for the wall that he wants built. The wall is too much. Trumps ideas on handling immigration could be dealt with in a much more civil manor. I think that it was a little unfair for Trump to state that most Mexicans are rapists and bringing drugs into the U.S. Not all Mexicans are horrible, we have Mexicans in our country right now working their butts off. It could be on our part as well if Mexicans were bringing in drugs, our border patrol isn't doing their job.

  40. Nikko Weirich:
    When I was reading one of the articles it talked about how the Mexico President said that Trumps language was sort of words of Adolf Hitler. Trump said what was on the script about everything after they had the meeting and I think he stayed on the script because he knew people were gonna ask who is paying for the wall. All he really said about the wall was that that discussed the wall but, not who is paying for it.

  41. Ben: When I read the article I noticed that it seems like Mr. Trummp's bark is well worse than his bite. I also think that Mexico will never pay for that wall and that American people would be very upset if their taxes went to this ridiculous wall instead of something else that could be much more important.

  42. I think Trump would be good for America and millions of people fail to realize that. I think ILLEGAL immigration needs to stop and people think Trump is a racist because of that reason. There's a difference becoming a legal immigrant citizen and coming into the country illegally and taking jobs away from our legal citizens. Trump is right about the illegals bringing in crime, which is true. Not saying all immigrants are rapists and bringing in crime, but a lot of them do.

  43. I found it funny how trumps biggest point in the election was build a wall and as soon as he got to mexico he shied away from it almost like he was afraid to start an argument. I also found it funny that as soon as he got back to the US he went right back to his old self build a wall and Mexicans are criminals. Also as soon as the Mexican president said i told him we will not pay for the wall trump had one of the people on his campaign reply

  44. I believe Donald Trump tries too hard to be a people pleaser; wanting everybody to love him and be on team trump, that he often changes his stories and statements around based on the targeted group he's speaking with that day. I think the idea of eliminating illegal immigration is fine, but the fact that he wants to build a wall is just taking things way out of proportion. He's making a mountain of a mole hill; and is hurting his image, or whatever is actually left if his image that is. i believe attacking mexico right from the get go was very poor idea and now he him going to mexico just looks pathetic, like a cry for someone to dig him out of the hole he dug for himself.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Sabrina: I think that Trump needs to get his mind straight. He keeps changing his opinion, if he keeps going back and forth on this topic then he's basically contradicting himself. He's going to loose votes if he doesn't make up his mind.

  47. Shiloh Pruett:
    Personally I think Trump isn't the brightest fish in the sea.First he says at the beginning of his campaign that he is going to build a wall, to stop the illegal drug trafficking immigrants from coming into the United States, and said that Mexico is going to pay for it, but then the Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto said that they will not be building the wall, that it's all up to us now. I honestly think that he shouldn't build a wall, I mean he should separate his personal life and personal opinions about this stuff, from the presidency. There's not a problem with it, as long as they don't bomb us, and highly doubt that will actually happen. The only good thing Trump has done in this whole presidency election is going to Mexico himself, personally, I was shocked he didn't send someone for him.

  48. I think that trump is wrong in wanting to deport the mexicans just because he thinks we are people. Well not all of us are bad some of us just come here to have a better life and a better future. what the president of mexico was a bad choice after all that trump said of us and him wanting mexico to pay for the wall he should of never invited him.

  49. I think that the answer is so much more complicated than "build a wall." Trump has used the whole wall notion as a seemingly simple answer to a practically unsolvable problem. America needs severe immigration reform. As it is today, becoming a citizen is a long and grueling process with some people sitting on the waiting list for years. While I agree that there are many criminals and drugs coming across our border and we should definitely do something to try and stop that, building a wall will only hold them back temporarily. And also many of the non-criminals coming across are fleeing from the crime and violence in their home countries. They see America as a safe haven from the horrors of their own country and are willing to leave their entire families and lives behind in order for a chance at becoming a citizen. Believe me, there are very few immigrants who aren't at least trying to become citizens. so we need to make it easier for them to achieve that.
