Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lies, Liars, and Politicans

Are there politicians you can trust???

This  information is  courtesy of Politifact, which has won
awards for excellence in journalism, including the Pulitzer Prize.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Does Money Lead to Happiness??

Or: Does Happiness Lead to Money

Happy people are optimistic, healthy, productive,
 and invest in themselves.

5 tips to a happier life:

1. Be social.

2. Engage in a brief, positive exercise daily.

3. Compliment yourself.

4. Look on the bright side.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Does the 2nd Amendment Guarantee A Right To Own Assault Weapons

SCOTUS allows Highlands Park Weapons Ban

SCOTUS Rejects Gun Owners Plea

U. S. Supreme Court Takes Iowa Case

Iowa trucking company to Supreme Court

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) - The U.S. Supreme Court will consider a longrunning dispute between the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a major Iowa trucking company.
The court granted a petition Friday by Cedar Rapids-based CRST Van Expedited, Inc. to review a decision of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.
At issue is whether EEOC has to pay the company $4.7 million in legal fees and costs stemming from a major investigation into allegations that female truckers and trainees were routinely sexually harassed.
U.S. District Judge Linda Reade awarded fees to the company after faulting EEOC for bringing "groundless" claims without first investigating them.
But the appeals panel ruled that CRST cannot recover fees involving claims that were dismissed without any ruling on their merits.
A decision is expected next spring or summer.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Winning Your Way to Washington--One vote at a time

Jeb Bush and the Iowa Caucuses

That’s a postcard pledging her caucus-night support to Bush and providing her contact information so Bush’s Iowa campaign can hold her to that promise on Feb. 1. It might just be the most valuable thing a candidate can get in Iowa two months before the first-in-the-nation presidential contest.
Hess, a retired nurse from Clinton, praised Bush’s principles, his record in Florida, his religious faith and even his brother and father, who have previously served as president.
“I just really admire him,” she said. She added, “I tell ya, I respect him. I really respect him. He’s just a good person and I think he’s really committed. What you see is what you get.”