Tuesday, September 15, 2015

President Obama comes to Iowa

President Obama in Des Moines


  1. That's awesome that Obama came down to Des Moines North High School. The fact he's going to make college free for students that are attending a community college for two years. In that, they can work for it. - ERIC ROBERTS

  2. I think it was very interesting to see Barack Obama come to a lower income school and educate students to stay in school and go to college. He informed the students that college can be affordable and you should apply for grants. He also pointed out that Iowa is the lowest drop out rate and the highest in grades.

  3. I think it is great that the president is coming to Iowa to answer questions about college and government aid for college. I think it is great that the government is starting to get involved in peoples lives by helping then get further education.

  4. I think it is great that the president is coming to Iowa to answer questions about college and government aid for college. I think it is great that the government is starting to get involved in peoples lives by helping then get further education.

  5. President Obama went to visit North High School in Des Moines Iowa. Obama saying that you shouldn't stress over just one particular college.That every college can give you great education even if it´s not a name branded school. Giving students a chance to go to college even if they can't afford.paying for their way for two years.
