Monday, November 24, 2014


When we think of robots, we tend to think in terms of use by the consumers, in the home and other places. However business is also hard at work developing robots for business and industrial purposes. Check out these two examples.

Meet your favorite robot at Lowes

Amazon has thousands of robots. Click to view the video.

How Will the Markets Perform in 2015 (part 1)

One of the features of stock market related stories as we approach the end of the year is predictions for the next year.

We will feature several of these as we discuss the Business Cycle during the rest of the year.

This prediction is by an analyst at Goldman Sachs, one of the largest and most prestigious       financial firms on Wall Street.

Market Prediction for the S & P 500 for 2015

This analyst believes growth in 2015 will be approximately 5%, and future years will also bring modest growth.

Is a Dow 20,000 in our immediate future?

But this prediction is for a DJIA of over 20,000, which would need a  more, aggressive growth pattern of over 10% for 2015.   Will either prediction be accurate?

Would would need to happen for these predictions to come true?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's WEDNESDAY: What happened in Washington

Keystone Pipeline Vote Fails in Senate

Keystone Pipeline advocates failed even though they had a 59-41 majority.

Why didn't it pass?   Will the Republican majority bring it back next year?

Will the result be different? How did Iowa Senators vote?

Is it "all politics" or are there real issues to proponents and opponents?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Dangerous? TECH Tuesday

Elon Musk, inventor and entrepreneur, is concerned about the future of Artificial Intelligence.

He is also one of the investors in Vicarious, a Silicon Valley startup involved in developing advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies.

You have no idea how close we are to killer robots

Friday, November 14, 2014

Our 3rd New 7 Wonder in Brazil

Christ the Redeemer

Cristo Redentor Rio de Janeiro 4.jpg

Created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa Brazil in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot.

30 metres 
(98 ft) and 38 metres (125 ft) tall with its pedestal

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's Fabulous Friday in Jordan--One of the New 7 Wonders of the World

Check out Petra in modern day Jordan

File:Jordan location map.svg

Let's GO TRAVEL to Korea

What's UP in North Korea?

North Korea's news agency KCNA published this photograph in 2013 showing North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un visiting what it said was a local smartphone factory

North Korea Becomes Tech Savy
An interesting article about technology in a country in which the government tries to control all access to the internet.

New North Korea nuclear facility
This article tells about North Korea's continuing effort to become a full-fledged nuclear power.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It's a RED, RED, Republican, Washington Wednesday

Joni Ernst of Red Oak is one of               100 U. S. Senators.

The Republicans gained control of the U. S. Senate in the November 4 elections by winning enough seats to gain at least 53 of 100 votes.

The Republicans increased the number of Republican seats in the U. S. House of Representatives.

Most commentators attributed much of the Republican success to voter dissatisfaction with    President Obama, whose approval rating has dropped considerably.

IOWA Results

Alaska, Oregon & Washington D. C. voters voted to legalize marijuana for recreation purposes.
Florida voters voted against legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.

Nebraska, Illinois, Arkansas, & South Dakota all voted for measures to raise the minimum wage.

Excepting Wisconsin, every state on Iowa's border now has a minimum wage higher than the national minimum wage of $7.25.

Nationally, voter turnout was low, which usually happens at midterm elections. election results.                election results.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Senator Ernst Leads in Iowa Poll

Des Moines Register Iowa Poll Results

Every major election brings a familiar cry by some candidates, "The polls are wrong"; or "the polls don't accurately predict the way our supporters will turn out".

Occasionally they are correct, but usually they are wrong. In recent decades in election after election, pollsters prove to be surprisingly correct, given the margin of error that everyone acknowledges.

In the latest Iowa Poll, Joni Ernst has a 51-44 percent lead that appears to be unbeatable. It would seem likely, that barring a political earthquake, the race is over and that Republicans are winning, not only in Iowa, but also in many other states with close elections.

But, of course, until the votes are counted, it is never over.