Monday, October 20, 2014

Iiiiiiiiiit's Market Monday AND

Get ready for another blast of stock volatility

When we come back to class next Monday do you think the  S & P will be higher or lower.

Tell us in the comment section what you think will happen?


  1. I think it's going to go down because our economy sucks and the world's gonna end.

  2. i think that it might go down because people will still be unsure about the Ebola virus

  3. I think at the end of the week the market will be down because a lot of the quarterly earnings are expected to be low.

  4. It shall be up in the near future. I was walking through the market as I usually do and I was stopped by a gypsy, she said "stocks shall be shooting through the roof by next Monday". I had no idea what she was talking about tell now. I do think its going to be up, with Apples new launch.

  5. I think that the market is going to go down because not everyone is sure about the Ebola and people are scared making the market go down

  6. I think the market will be up because the stock market is like a roller coaster it will eventually go back up. plus the company are reporting there earnings.

  7. I think it will be up at the end of the week. The earnings reports will be good. Last week was just a little scare, it will be up.

  8. It will be up, everyone has ups and downs.

  9. think that the stock market will go up because it has been down for a while noe and the earning reports for several companies are coming out later this week so i think with these two things that the market will be up.

  10. I think the market will be up unless the another factor like EBOLA and ISIS come into play
