Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Fabulous Friday and Check Out the NEW 7 Wonders of the World

One of the all-time beauties produced by any culture.

Which of these can you answer?

Name?    When?   Why?   Where?

Taj Mahal (crown of palaces)       1632--1653     Grief     Agra, India  

Taj Mahal is located in India

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An Apple for Iran

Apples Sales in Iran?

Read this article and answer the questions below.

1. Why isn't Apple already selling phones in Iran?
2. What has changed?
3.What are U. S. trade policies with Iran? Why do we have these policies?
4. Should we change our policy
5. Do these pictures fit with your preconceptions of Iranian citizens? Explain what your preconceptions were and how these pictures fit with them.

The Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, speaking in parliament

Apple hasn’t had a presence in Iran, though its phones are available on the black market. People shop for Samsung mobile phones in Tehran, Iran.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It's Fabulous Friday and Look at Dubai

Look at Dubai

Google Map of Dubai

It's THURSDAY: Let's TRAVEL to Northern Syria

What is happening in Kobane and Why do we care?

Where is Kobane?

Is anyone winning?

What is the U. S. doing in this fight? Should we do more?

What does Turkey think of all this?

What is the UN and why are they involved?

What is Iran's involvement?

Is Iraq involved with this effort?

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's Tech Tuesday and Apple Pay is Online

Apple Pay @ McDonalds?

Big Banks Support Apple Pay

Is this the future for the American consumer? Is this a positive or a negative?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Iiiiiiiiiit's Market Monday AND

Get ready for another blast of stock volatility

When we come back to class next Monday do you think the  S & P will be higher or lower.

Tell us in the comment section what you think will happen?

Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Market Monday and the Markets may be suffering from the "correction virus."

What caused the turmoil in the markets last week?

And will that turmoil continue?

For most of the year some analysts have been saying we will have a correction soon.

Why are they saying that and is that good or bad?

 Watch the video on EDpuzzle

Friday, October 10, 2014

It's FABULOUS FRIDAY and the Nobel Peace Prize has been announced

An Indian Man and a Pakistani teenage girl have been awarded, what is generally regarded as the most prestigious international award. American President Theodore Roosevelt, and Iowan Norman Borlaug are among the past winners.

2014 Nobel Peace Winners

Nobel Committee Web Site

Everything you never wanted to know about the Nobel Prizes

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Ernst & Braley Race Continues

The Campaign between Joni Ernst and Bruce Braley for the U. S. Senate continues in Iowa, with polls continuing to show a very tight race. Large scale advertising expenditures increase; the rhetoric grows more heated; and the attempt to discredit the opponent grows more ugly. National names like Mitt Romney and Michelle Obama continue to draw attention and crowds, even as the voting has already begun under Iowa's early voting laws. The stories below deal with these issues

Romney Campaigns for Ernst; Michelle Obama for Braley

Montgomery County Contracts Questioned

Equal Pay for Equal Work? : Attack Ads Continue

Young & Appel Meet with the Des Moines Register Editorial Board

Part of the Iowa campaign ritual is for statewide candidates to meet with the Editorial Board of the Des Moines Register. The Register usually endorses one candidate for each office the week before the election. The videos below are posted by the Register and not the candidates.

Young statement to Des Moines Register

Appel statement to Des Moines Register

Sometimes candidates say things in a way they come to regret. Unfortunately the competitive nature of our campaigns leaves us shaking our heads at the way these "mistakes" are discussed.
The article below discusses this problem in the Appel/Young contest of the 3rd District.

Are candidates allowed mistakes?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Washington Wednesday Brings A Surprise from the Supremes

Supreme Court refuses Gay Marriage Cases from Five States

On Tech Tuesday Check out the Greenest of the Green

Apple is building a new headquarters building in Cupertino, Ca, that is designed to be the "greenest office building" on earth.

What do you think?

Green buildings of the future

It's Market Monday

DJIA company Hewlett Packard announces a split into two companies.

This will result in a split into two large companies. Will HP be replace by a Apple in the DJIA?
What is the impact on HP stock price? Why did they do this? What role did activist investors play?

HP splits itself into two countries.

What impact will this have on employees? Will there be greater job cuts, then currently planned?

HP Employee impact

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ebola and the United States

Ebola has spread to the United States and there probably will be more to come. Previously, the only cases, were infected U. S. doctors who were brought to the United States for care after being infected while treating patients in West Africa.

Exactly what is Ebola?
How do you contract the disease?
How did it come to be in the United States?
When is a stricken patient capable of passing on the disease?
Should the U. S. take any special precautions?
How concerned should we be?
These questions and more are answered in the two USA today stories.

More cases in USA likely

Ebola in Perspective

West Africa Map