Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Trump v. Clinton Contest for President

Both Clinton andTrump win in the NorthEast

A rough bruising contest shaping up in                                             the general election, Nov. 8.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

What will the Oil Producing nations do?

Iran Refuses to Attend Meeting of Producers

What is the location of these two countries?

What is the religion of these two countries?

Why are these two countries apparently having a conflict?

What impact does this have on those of us in Red Oak?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

KKK Still Lives

KKK in Action

Electric Chair for Virginia

Electric Chair in Virginia?

What will the market do this week?

Earnings Season Here we Come

1. What is Earnings Season?

2. What are analysts expecting from Earnings Season?

3. Is the U. S. economy expanding or contracting? Give evidence.

4. Will oil producers agree to reduce supply?  Explain

5. Who favors a limiting production?  Why?

6. Who opposes it? Why?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Electoral Colllege Change in Nebraska?

Splitting the Electoral Vote

Should Nebraska continue to vote by Congressional District in the
Electoral College Vote?

Give one Key argument for each side.