Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It's Washington Wednesday

Who will control the U. S. Senate in 2014?

Check out the predictions of political scientists who work for the

Washington Post Election Lab.

What does Nate Silver believe?

Does Silver agree with Real Clear Politics?

If the election were held today which party would control Congress?

Republicans  or  Democrats  ? ?

Governor Branstad Headed Toward Reelection?

Iowa Poll and the Governor's Race

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Have you voted in the Congressional Election?

The Election is November 4, but you can vote today.

Iowa law allows people to vote either by mail or in person, 40 days before the election.

You can request an absentee ballot or go to the county auditors's office in the courthouse, assuming of course, you are a registered voter.  That's not a problem, you also can still register to vote.

Early Voting Starts Today In Iowa

Monday, September 22, 2014


Will solar power be nearly free in the future?

Read the article below and see why futurist Ray Kurzweil believes this to be true.

Is Free solar electricity in your future?

What does solar development have in common with other technological developments?

What are the credentials of the people making these predictions?

Are you convinced?

Go to the comments below and give your opinion.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's Market Monday

How did Alibaba (baba) do on Friday?

The article linked below and the Yahoo chart show you what happened to Alibaba stock when it opened for the first time on the New York Stock Exchange?

Read below to find the original offering, the opening price, the closing price, and the percent increase. Are there details of importance in the article?

The article below tells of more action as a result of the high demand for the stock.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Should we work with Iran in the Middle East and do they want to work with us?

What does Iran think of U. S. involvement in Iraq?

Do we want to work with Iran?

Does Iran want to work with us?

Will we add more troops to our forces in Iraq?

How many people do we have there now?

What is our goal in our fight with ISIS?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Why does the Chinese economy affect the U. S. Markets?

The Global Economy

Will the U. S. Markets be lower today?

Why are they predicted low?

Read the article for clues.

What other factors might make U. S. investors cautious?

Chinese Markets Are Down

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's FABULOUS FRIDAY--but not so much for epileptic children in Iowa


Legislative panel backs medical-marijuana expansion

Last year the Iowa General Assembly passed legislation for very limited legalization of medical marijuana in Iowa. One problem has developed, however. It seems it is unworkable and the families in need of the help can't obtain the medicine. 

Why was Limited medical marijuana approved in the first place?

Should medical marijuana be expanded in Iowa?

Do politics play a role? What position do conservatives and liberals take on this issue?

Would it affect your view, if you knew someone desiring relief from great pain?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Who (what) is Alibaba and why should we care?

You may know the story of Ali Baba, and the Forty Thieves. Ali Baba, "open sesame," and a loyal slave make Ali Baba a very rich man.

For a good look at a modern day Ali Baba (Jack Ma) this article, The Jack Ma Way, gives detail.

This story will give you more information than you want, but the first part gives you a picture of the Alibaba IPO (whatever that is).

The business media is making a BIG deal over this and it involves wealthy Chinese, Japanese, & U. S. investors.

So what is the modern day Alibaba?. Who is Jack Ma? What is an IPO and how does that impact us?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Meaningful Changes Every High School Needs To Make????

If you could make any of these changes, which ones would you make?

Choose your top three.

Go to the comment section and briefly explain, which of these changes would be most beneficial to the high school.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


How many people are invested in the stock market?

Check out the results of this survey by the famous Gallup Poll.

What is the Gallup Poll?  What percent of Americans were invested in the stock market in 2011?

Will you ever invest in the stock market?

Boots on the Ground? What should we do about ISIS?

1. Who is this guy and what is his role in this process? Is he a politician? Where is he from?

2. Read the article and discover the answer to some of these questions?

3. What, if anything should we do about ISIS? In the comment section below give your opinion and then check out the view of others?

4. What should the U. S. do about ISIS?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Is Negative Campaigning "Evil"?

What is negative campaigning? Why do we tolerate it? Is it effective?

Do all candidates use negative campaigning?

This Des Moines Register article discusses negative campaigning and the race for the Senate between Joni and Bruce.

Expect Negative Campaigning in U. S. Senate Race