Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Career Advice from a 20 Something

"Choose something that you're passionate about. I often see people getting involved in startups just for the sake of doing it and making money. That can't be your motivation."
Screen Shot 2017 01 10 at 11.01.07 AM                                                             Michael Johnson
CEO and cofounder of Visikol

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Retail Bleeding Continues

Earlier this week Macy's announced 68 store closings.

This morning Sears announced 150 Sears and KMart stores will be closed.

How did this directly affect our  area?

Management also announced they will several long-time popular brands.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Vice Presidential Debate: Did It Matter?

Did Governor Pence slow the decline of Trump/Pence in the polls?

CNN commentators felt Pence won.

CNN focus group felt Senator Kaine won.

CNN Instant Poll said Pence won